Every indie game developer has a list like this on their site. Why should I be any different? :D Let's start off with audio. More to come!
Updated constantly. Last update: 2014 Dec 14
Sound Effects
- Freesound - One of the biggest public collections of Creative Commons licensed sound effects. Often my first and last stop.
- LaptopNoise.com - A large collection of random 'glitchy' computer effects free for use. Check out the rest of the site, too, for more curiosities.
- SoundBible.com - Huge, searchable collection of Creative Commons, public domain, and other licensed sound effects in WAV and MP3 format.
- RCP Tones - A deliciously professional collection of professionally created sound effects. Good for user interfaces, notifications, ringtones. The full collection is $35, but the author offers a subset free for use by app developers, with attribution.
- Octave - Free library of user interface sound effects; attribution optional. Can also be contracted to create custom sounds.
- PacDV - A decent collection of various sound effects from Pacific Digital Video. Free use with optional, but encouraged, attribution.
- OpenGameArt.org - Open Game Art maintains a sound effects collection.
- Transformers Animated Sound Effects - This isn't legal for use in your commercial projects, but if you're building a prototype, or doing something fun for a game jam, or some other non-commercial project, you may get a thrill throwing in some of these old school, and more modern Transformers cartoon sound effects.
Generators and Tools
- bfxr - An extremely popular fork of the Sfxr tool, for creating your own, unique sound effects. Flip switches and sliders until things sound good and then render it out as a WAV file. Available as a desktop app, too. (Also, check out this super pimped out version, jfxr.)
- LabChirp - Similar to bfxr; a Windows desktop tool for creating sound effects.
- incompetech - The master collection of Creative Commons (or no-attribution, with a fee) professional, royalty free music.
- Free Music Archive - An interactive library of high-quality, legal audio from WFMU. License varies by title, but most are quite liberal.
- Partners In Rhyme - Modest selection of free, royalty-free music. Only asks for attribution.
- Looperman - "Royalty free loops, samples and sounds kindly uploaded by other users; free to use in your project"
- OpenGameArt.org - Open Game Art maintains a music collection.
Generators and Tools
- Musopen - A non-profit focused on increasing access to music by creating free resources; free, without restrictions.
- Fake Music Generator - I haven't used this in anything, myself, but you may find it useful.